Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': “Is It You", by Lee Ritenour


Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': “Is It You”, by Lee Ritenour. Selected by Eddy Cabello

Lee Ritenour released "RIT" back in 1981. This was a huge record for Ritenour, and was written by co-written by Ritenour, and our good friends Bill Champlin and Eric Tagg, who sang lead vocals on this great track, as you well know. Holding it all together is Abe Laboriel. Laboriel knows how and when to let a track breathe. He mentions this in our interview, as you keep the groove baselines simple and deliver clarity to the track. This requires lots of experience and taste.

Strings & Horns - Jerry Hey
Trumpet – Jerry Hey
Bass – Abraham Laboriel
Keyboards – David Foster, Richard Tee
Lyrics By, Vocals – Eric Tagg, Bill Champlin
Music By, Producer, Guitar – Lee Ritenour
Percussion – Alex Neciosup Acuna
Producer, Drums – Harvey Mason

– Eddy Cabello, IMC Co-host