Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': “New Frontier", by Donald Fagen


Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': “New Frontier”, by Donald Fagen. Selected by Eddy Cabello

Today we launch or interview with master bassist and legend, Abraham Laboriel, Sr. Our Picks this week will focus on Abe's contributions and performances on iconic tracks and albums throughout his career. If you're not familiar with his work, you need to know that he's been in the LA scene for over 48 yrs, and he's still going strong. We'll take you on a short trip this week with some key tunes he's played on.

In 1982, Donald Fagen released THE NIGHTFLY. I think we all went crazy with this amazing project, didn't we? Well, on only one track, "New Frontier", Abe Sr was called in to lay down the grooves for Donald. (Abe will tell you about this session in the interview!) The performance doesn't necessarily sound that difficult, but Abe found the perfect feel to establish the steady foundation on this track. This resulted in a performance that "was not overplayed" was exactly what this track more, no less. That's what's brilliant about Abraham Laboriel's playing. Tasteful and perfect for the need. Enjoy this track again.

"NEW FRONTIER", by Donald Fagen, Bass: Abe Laboriel Sr.

– Eddy Cabello, IMC Co-host