Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': “Isolation" (song), by Toto


Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': “Isolation" (song), by Toto. Selected by Rick Such

Being that it's Toto Tuesday and many of us around the world are having to literally isolate ourselves to some capacity due to COVID-19, the very thought of 'isolation' has been spinning in my head today, hence the impetus for today's pick.

Written by Steve Lukather, David Paich, and Fergie Frederiksen, "Isolation" is the title track from Toto's 1984's follow-up to the band's most successful album, Toto IV. Fergie handles the soaring lead vocals on this track, an 80's West Coast AOR gem.

Take a listen:

– Rick Such, IMC Co-host