Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': “Live In Hamburg (1976)”, by Al Jarreau


Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': “Live In Hamburg (1976)”, by Al Jarreau. Selected by Brian Pearson

Since we have branded this as Al's day on IMC why not hit the rewind button and dial it back to 76? The tune "You Don't See Me" was taken from Al's major-label debut "We Got By," which was issued on Warner Brothers in 1975. Seriously, 45 years ago. I revisit this album quite a bit, mostly because this is the real soul of Jarreau and it really shows off the magic he created with Canning as they were a great pair. This record was less structured, more melodically varied and definitely more jazz-oriented. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the classic era but I really love the early stuff too, as it is was less commercial. The overall sound & feel to me is more timeless and doesn't suffer from sound dating which eventually came with time and music technology. It is authentic, sincere and soulful. In this LIVE concert video just wait until around the 35:00 mark. Jerome Rimson's bass line leads into one serious groove, surrounded by Canning's tasteful and very fat Rhodes chords. Nigel Wilkinson on drums only adds greatness to this performance. A simple four-piece band that seriously cooks. A few years ago I had the chance to chat with Tom via instant messenger and I was able to pick his brain about all the memorable Jarreau moments. No doubt, Tom & Al made great music together :)

At the 35:00 minute mark / "You Don't See Me"…

Happy Birthday, Alwin.

– Brian Pearson, IMC Correspondent