Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': “Slim Pickings”, by Izo Fitzroy


Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': “Slim Pickings”, by Izo Fitzroy. Selected by Brian Pearson

Here's yet another promising artist that I have wanted to feature for quite some time. Serious funk, soul, disco and Groove with a capital G is how I describe Izo's music. As soon as I heard this track I was already comparing it to the same vibe that our friends, Young Gun Silver Fox have permanently etched into my bloodstream. So imagine my surprise when I found out that Shawn Lee of YGSF produced this track!

Slim Pickings:

Man oh man...that bass hook brings back memories of The Brothers Johnson and roller skating to "STOMP" on a Friday night, back in 7th grade. Then you add in the horns, the Rhodes and suddenly I am all in. Izo brings it vocally too, she has a bluesy, sometimes gospel side to her vocal work, in the style of Susan Tedeschi (another fave). The great news is that her new album (How The Mighty Fall), which features this tune and ten others happens to drop in just 2 days!

No production tricks here as she is 110% the real deal!

Hope You Can Wait (LIVE):

A great read about her can be found here, with credit going to Simon Redley.…/sky-limit-sensation…/

I highly advise you to purchase Izo's music & follow her via these channels...…

We need to get her on IMC soon. Add another great one to my wishlist!

– Brian Pearson, IMC Correspondent