Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': "There We Are", by James Taylor


IMC Pick of the Day: "There We Are", by James Taylor. Selected by Rick Such

Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': "There We Are", by James Taylor.

A friend once described James Taylor's music and concerts as the Disney World of popular music. By this, he respectfully meant that he never seems to disappoint, from his vocals, to his songwriting, to stellar live performances. I happen to agree. His album 'JT', which was released in 1977, is one of my favorite of his albums and it contains a gorgeous love song he wrote for his then wife, Carly Simon, titled "There We Are." In fact, he mentions her by name in one of the final verses of the song.

Musicians: Leland Sklar on bass, Russ Kunkel on drums, Clarence McDonald on keys, Dan Dugmore on Steel Guitar, and David Campbell on Viola.

–  Rick Such, IMC Co-host