Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day' : "Pacific Addiction", by MANDOO


IMC Pick of the Day: "Pacific Addiction", by Mandoo. Reviewed by Eddy Cabello.

IMC Pick of the Day: "Pacific Addiction" by MANDOO.

Parisianes Pierre Vanier de Saint Aunay and Esther Ben Daoud have struck Pacific Gold with their 2019 release “ Pacific Addiction”. The introduction to this wonderful collection of AOR songs is stated well by the two, “We drove down Pacific Coast highway and stopped to bathe in the light. The ocean illuminated like a brightening lover, we were lost over the immensity, staring at the earth’s eyes…”. If that doesn’t set it up, I don’t know what will.

But let’s talk about this nicely crafted project that is injected with a total West Coast AOR vibe. First let’s start by saying that the production is produced and arranged by Esther and Pierre. Clean. Not over-played. Lyric contributions include words by Eric Tagg, Linda Bramblett Tagg, Dora Bailey and Pierre Vanier de Saint Aunay. But don’t just get stuck on the words…get stuck on the words AND music, as the musicianship on this project is stellar. Saint Aunay’s vocals have imprinted a top-notch vibe on this album. In fact, his voice is perfect for West Coast AOR music. He also lays down the bass lines that are perfectly crafted for this project. He knows how to build a bassline that is “just enough” yet “not too much”. Esther’s keys and vocals are performed exquisitely and tastefully.

From the first two tracks, "Can’t We Get Along” and “So Much Better", Daoud and Saint Aunay lay down the “feel” of this optimistic project. You can’t help but feel that this world is going to be a better place after listening. And it’ll require some “Mandoo” magic to do so.

“Welcome To My World”. This is one of the highlights of the album by containing everything a great West Coast tune needs. Saint Aunay even throws us a nice scat homage to the great Al Jarreau. Nicely done.

“Just Like Heaven” bathes you in a Rhodes slow-grooved intro that preps you for a “pacific sunset” experience. I really like Pierre’s voice. Never over-sung. Believe it or not, his voice reminds me of the wonderful strength and smoothness of two 80’s lead vocalists - Martin Fry of ABC and Kurt Maloo of Double. That is a compliment to Pierre’s understated delivery. Let’s not forget the wonderful arrangements and compositions by Daoud and Saint Aunay. The horns are nicely woven into lead guitar solos and backing single-note strings that reminisce of Michael Omartian’s Arp approach on several classic albums of past. These touches throughout “Pacific Addiction” are what Esther and Pierre have nailed so well. The two feel “Pacific AOR” music. They get it.

“Promise Me” only reinforces the “pacific coast driving” feel that is woven throughout. Close your eyes and you’re in California. This track includes nicely played keyboards by Esther Ben Daoud…nicely understated, yet required for the fullness - especially on the chorus lines.

The misfit track here is “Trail of Tears”, which is a slow country-R&B-ballad that I feel could have been a stronger tune with an AOR vibe. But I get it. Variety is good and they did a good job on this track in spite of my subjective options. Good music is good music and this track still has a nice groove. This track actually balances out the second ballad on this album…”Just Like Heaven”. That includes hints of Daoud’s acoustic piano. Check out this arrangement, you’ll appreciate the simplicity of all elements combined. This is a classic tune. Well done.

But after this, Pierre and Esther deliver the sultry Rhodes-saturated “Brazilian Romance”. Daoud does a wonderful job on the BGVs that fit perfectly into this soft-on-the-ears groove. Her keys on this track are perfectly balanced and overlap on the “Hey-ish” horns behind her. How can you not love that? Jerry would be so proud. This is one of my favorite tracks on this project. And thank God that it’s 6:00 minutes long!

I’ll stop there. But you don’t have to.

Believe me when I say that “Pacific Addiction” will allow you to become addicted to this album. It deserves major kudos and congrats for a job well done. Now put your headphones on and head to the coast to be “bathed by light". Enjoy.

(Shout out to Arnaud Leger for the great Mandoo cover & art direction)

Pierre Vanier Esther Ben Daoud

– Eddy Cabello, IMC Co-host