Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': "I Sleep On My Heart", by Level 42


Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': "I Sleep On My Heart”, by Level 42. Selected by Rick Such.

You know, as little credit as teenagers get for, well, just about everything, looking back I think that we were pretty damned smart during our pubescent heyday - especially IMC listeners and our love for great music. Right? During my pimple-popping-period in the 80's, Level 42 steamrolled it's groove right down my throat, directly into my heart, and took up permanent residence. I don't even make them pay rent. In fact, I spend money on THEM, by purchasing all of their music, and allowing their groove to infiltrate every thread of my being. I've flown to Denmark to see them perform. This October I plan to catch their show at Royal Albert Hall in London. The way I see it, these guys owe me BIG TIME. Right?

When 'World Machine' was released in the mid 80's, I was all over it. Memorized it from head to toe, and still to this day feel that 'Lying Still' may be their finest composition in their massive canon of tunes. So just when I think I had this album committed to my soul, I find a European version of the album and without looking at the liner notes I pop the CD into my car stereo system. WTHF? (You figure that one out). First of all, the songs are not in the same sequence as the US version. And then...AND THEN my mind is blown by this uber-funky track that I had never heard before, 'I Sleep On My Heart'. And then I played it again...and again...and get the point. What a beautiful surprise, furthering my sheer and utter love for this band that revels in not even-as-much paying the cable bill while taking-up residence in my heart.

Thanks, Level 42. Next months rent is on me. Again.

– Rick Such, IMC Co-Host