Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': "The Sailor's Song", by Pages


Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': "The Sailor’s Song”, by Pages. Selected by Arnaud Leger.

Next Friday, I’ll travel to Fasching, a concert venue, restaurant and nightclub in Stockholm, Sweden where a special night - a “Tribute to Pages” is scheduled. Can’t wait to be there!

The band Pages (Richard Page & Steve George) recorded their second album “Future Street” in 1979. Charles "Icarus" Johnson joined on acoustic and electric guitar, and George Lawrence was brought in on drums.

Produced by Bobby Colomby (Blood, Sweat & Tears), the album blended the finely crafted overtones of the first album with a pop-rock-progressive sound. Additional musicians and artists on “Future Street” included Kenny Loggins, George Hawkins, Joey Trujillo and Jai Winding. The album artwork was designed by John Lang.

“The Sailor’s Song” (R. Page, J. Lang, S. George, J. Manfredi) is one of my favorites songs on this album.

– Arnaud Leger, IMC Correspondent