Tomi Malm
Greetings from Finland. Welcome to my workspace. – Tomi
Here’s a nice endorsement from Jeremy Lubbock (RIP). I studied his arrangements as a teenager a lot and was really a big honor to be able to work with him on my albums. He was one of a kind!
This is my workspace.
I’m working mostly “in the box” nowadays. I used to have huge racks of synths back in a time. And a lot of cables and mixer channels. Now everything in my room is based on a 12-core Mac Pro with 160 GB of memory, about 20 terabytes of storage and UAD octo and Duo cards. The system can handle most of my productions. I use mainly Logic.
Every home needs a home organ, doesn’t it? I often play some Bach and on a wild day. I may even try to play some Jimmy Smith licks,..badly! But no one will hear that!
Used to use this Yamaha console, but not anymore. It was a work horse.
Mac Pro / 12-core / 160 GB / 20 TB
I probably should sell this one while it still works but for some reason I can’t. It’s a dear old machine and I’ve actually learned to program it! I just transferred my patches as Sys Ex data, so I can use them with an FM8 plugin.
My JP-8000: I love this Roland keyboard! Sounds great even today.
JD-800: I sample my own programmed sounds on this keyboard..
My Fender Squire guitar, that I rarely play anymore. Why play this guitar when there are much better players?
I still have several of my old synths, but who doesn’t love the 90’s synths racks? Well, I don ’t actually miss them at all! That DX midi-rack is nice though. And my keyboard mixer which was needed because the main mixers usually didn’t have enough channels. Those machines generated a lot of heat and it was always hot in the studio at those day! Maybe you can relate..
As you can imagine, I have too much stuff in the storage room for sure. Old macs and hardware synths are gathering dust there with VHS tapes and other things. I’m the worst seller but I’ll get rid of them some day, I will!