Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': “Night Cruiser” by Deodato


Inside MusiCast 'Pick Of The Day': “Night Cruiser” by Deodato. Selected by Mikael Engström

Night Cruiser breathes late 70's TV themed music combined with early instrumental 80's disco. With increasing age, I have become childishly fond of this type of music. Eumir Deodato is a name whose records you often found at the time you were looking for LPs in Stockholm's secondhand stores. I must admit he has gone under my radar until some years ago when I dug into his late 70´s and early 80´s albums. But on the other hand, it’s such a joy when you find out about an artists and their vast catalogue and realize you have tons of music to discover and dig into. "Night Cruiser" is Deodato’s second album on Warner Bros. This album was re-released on CD in Japan in conjunction with the re-release series "Fusion Collection 1000 series" 2014. Apparently, there was a pent-up need among many Deodato lovers to find this on CD which has always been quite difficult. This re-release is now also very difficult to find. For many of you who are content with Spotify, this album can be found there, the same goes if you choose the superior best streaming feature in my opinion, which is TIDAL. If you are interested in other titles with Deodato from this era, I would recommend "Knights Of Fantasy" (1979). "Happy Hour" (1980) and "Exercise" (1984). With that being said, I suggest you listen to the title track from today´s IMC album of the day, “Night Cruiser"

Over and out from Stockholm. Let´s see what tomorrow brings as IMC album of the day ?

– Mikael Engström, IMC Correspondent