Tim Akers
Hey everyone, Tim Akers here in Nashville. Welcome to my recording studio – “Short Elvis Studios”. I named it after my “Elvis” bust that I have in the studio. He still keeps me company. But, this is where all of the sonic magic happens for me, clients, artists, musicians and guests. I’ve arranged, composed and produced music for movie soundtracks, have served as music director for TV shows, and also performed with tons of awesome talent over the years – Bruce Hornsby, Paul Williams, Kenny Loggins, Faith Hill, Keith Urban, Megadeth, Glen Campbell, Earth, Wind & Fire, Michael McDonald, Christopher Cross, Alan Parsons, Jamie Callum, and many, many others. Below are some photos of my studio space. Currently, as you probably know, I’m band leader of a great group of some of the best Nashville players and singers – The Smoking Section. Check them out sometime, or better yet, come see us when we play in Nashville sometime. – Tim
Control room view 1
Control room view 3, workstation
Short Elvis, Ray & me....I love this photo.
Stairwell reverb chamber (sounds amazing!)
Drum room. My Pearl kit.
“Non-MIDI” keyboard booth view 2 (with WWII era chaplain’s pump organ, and the Teisco combo organ above the Wurlitzer...Japanese version of a Farfisa)
“Non-MIDI” keyboard booth / view 1
Control room view 2, (with patented “Dig Me” wall HAHA!!!) And some of my keyboard tools….Oberheim OB12, Prophet 5, Roland JD-800, and a Yamaha Montage 7.. Oh, I have more toys too.
The vocal booth – where so many great singers have laid down some amazing performances. Nice and comfy.
My grandmother’s Hammond L-102 that I grew up playing since age 2(!) complete with vintage rotary telephone. A treasure for me.
And finally, this is the client lounge. Notice that Elvis greets everyone who walks into the studio.